Sunday, June 17, 2012

Not stoned or at Stonehenge

Last evening, Saturday night, Grace and Liz decided they wanted to go dancing/clubbing. But, to no avail. After a marvelous walk across the bridges over Thames and enjoying the gorgeous skyline, and impromptu shows of street circuses, they were denied entry into a popular gay bar due to it being filled to capacity. (Clarification- no lesbianism going on, just craving fun gay dancers...) While we were wandering on the streets, we came upon a group of attractive, classy looking guys and decided that they would have better tastes in the clubs than ourselves, as they had British accents and could actually be from the area. After discretely following them, they struck up a conversation with us and told us they were going to a really fun club and to come along. Desperate after literally hours of searching, and trusting their apparent class, we accompanied them to a fancy club in Trafalgar Square. It turned out we crashed a birthday party, but he was okay with that. Almost all of the other club's patrons were wealthy and intelligent people from Oxford and Cambridge. So- mission accomplished! Got our fun dancing in and with quite good company.

Today our itinerary called for us to go to Stonehenge, the massive rocks mysteriously placed in a field centuries ago. But we didn't. We instead decided to explore more of the city, which we decided always has fun things to offer no matter where we are. Grace was super psyched to go to the Olympic Stadium because London has been touting their hosting for the whole trip (and she likes tennis, Liz says). After a bus ride in which we went the wrong way, met a man from Morocco who told us we had unhealthy hair and a sad African woman who complained of her sore feet from church shoes, a kindly bus driver helped us to actually get to the Olympic Stadium. However, our excitement waned when we found out that we couldn't actually get into the Olympic Park and instead had to view the buildings from afar, from a slightly rundown part of London. But hey, when they show them on TV, we will say we were there!

Next, we stumbled upon an incredible cultural juxtaposition- two American girls in an English historical square (Trafalgar) where an Indian religious festival was taking place. The area was filled to capacity with women in saris and chanting religious people with their faces painted. Amazing vegetarian spicy cuisine was available for free, sponsored by the kind Indian folk.

Then we went to the British Museum. It was a lot of old, old stuff. The Easter Island Head was much smaller than we were expecting and not at all like the talking one  in "Night At the Musuem."

A nap for one and a long run through an incredibly beautiful Kensington Gardens for the other, were the pre-dinner activities. This evening, we went and saw the newest Wes Anderson film "Moonrise Kingdom" at the British Cinema because Liz went bonkers when she saw it was showing here and not yet in the States. It was wonderful times a zillion. Even non-movie-buff Grace quite enjoyed it.

We'll hope to update after we're in Paris. Hopefully the rest of the trip will be as positive as thus far, but we are a little nervous about the language barrier. After afternoon tea tomorrow, to the Chunnel it is for our traveling there!

But most importantly, we wanted to wish our dads a Happy, Happy Father's Day from some world class travelers! We miss you and hope our brothers made up for our absence.

+Free food for frugal females (please do appreciate the alliteration)
- We haven't yet uploaded any pictures due to short computer times
+ Getting to ride in the top of the famous red double-decker buses!
- Trying to get all of our stuff back in our backpacks- it's never as easy the second time!

Love and hugs,

Liz and Grace

1 comment:

  1. "they were denied entry into a popular gay bar"
